Are you anxious about "those dreadful days of the month"?
Did your daughter just miss her school exam for fear of "the pain"?
Do you have questions about irregular bleeding, menstrual pain, and how your diet and lifecycle might affect all of it?
Do tampons, menstrual cups, and newfound hygiene products seem like a foreign language to you?
Do you have a plethora of questions and just no answers?
Did you just Google or ChatGPT these concerns?
Do not recoil - you are not alone. Many women turn to technology for the sake of privacy, immediate access to information, second opinions, or sheer convenience.
Technology has a flip side, though. Have you often come away from your device feeling more confused and scared than ever? What if you could ask "ALL YOU WANTED TO KNOW " to a Gynaec - a realtime qualified human, not a chatbot or generative AI - during a friendly session in a cosy space?
Girls and ladies, we hear you. We are coming up with our very first programme (in possibly a series of sessions on Women's Health) on: Period Pains - All You Need To Know.
This session is targeted at women - yes, all women!
It will cover the basics of menstrual cycles, common problems and menstrual hygiene, followed by an interactive Q&A session. The aim is to engage in a dialogue and encourage you to ask the questions you have always been shy to ask. Why? Because a gynaecologist beats Google any day!
You can expect Clarity, Attention and Empathy.
The Expert: Dr. Aarti Vazirani
Gynaecologist & High-risk Obstetrician
Director, Excel Women's Care, Excel Hospital, Ahmedabad
Dr. Vazirani is a gold medalist medical practitioner, consultant, faculty and speaker at various national conferences, and has presented several papers in her fields of expertise.
Date: Sat, Nov 23, 5:30 - 6:30 pm
@ The Hive | INR 200/-